DW Akademie and MethodKit launch podcast training tool in 13 languages | DW's press releases | DW | 30.09.2022
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DW Akademie and MethodKit launch podcast training tool in 13 languages

MethodKit for Podcasts was developed with experts from around the world to support the development and production of podcasts. The kit will be officially launched at the PodcastDay24 Conference in London on October 4.

DW Akademie is making moves into the expanding world of podcasting with its PodcasTraining project. The initiative aims to support media partners to develop, produce and distribute new audio formats that provide their audiences with reliable information they need to make sound decisions, especially during a crisis.  

"Our media partners from around the world are increasingly seeking podcast training and mentoring and podcasting encourages formats that often dive deeper into content," said Natascha Schwanke, Director of Media Development and Deputy Head of DW Akademie. "In times of crisis when people need accurate information they can trust, podcasts can be highly valuable as we have seen during the coronavirus pandemic."

Working with the Swedish organization MethodKit and 20 global podcast experts, DW Akademie has developed a set of 61 cards mapping the shared language around podcasting. The shared language helps you to explore, develop and evaluate podcasts, individually or together. The kit was designed to be functional and fun to use. Each card highlights an important ingredient you need to think about when you develop a podcast. The idea was to create a tool that sparks discussions and makes it easier to navigate both the big picture and the nitty-gritty details when making a podcast.  

"An innovative partnership"

"This is an example of an innovative partnership where our design and collaborative approach creates a great tool for better podcasting and spans boundaries with DW Akademie's global network," said Ola Möller, founder of the Swedish organization MethodKit.

Since the beginning of 2021, the PodcasTraining team has developed various training modules which are currently being implemented in Kenya, Malawi, Ethiopia, Burkina Faso, Cambodia and Ukraine. The project is supported by the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). The MethodKit was designed to be used as a part of these trainings, both online and offline. 

"MethodKit is simple and easy to use for facilitating discussions in online and face-to-face workshops," said Irene Mbaya, a Kenyan podcast trainer. "I'm really looking forward to using the MethodKit for Podcasts in my upcoming workshop with podcasters in Tanzania both in English and Swahili."

Swedish organization MethodKit DW Akademie

MethodKit for Podcasts will be launched at the PodcastDay24 Conference in London on October 4.

Training tool available in 13 languages

"Podcasts are growing in popularity all over the world, especially amongst young audiences. The format is flexible, production doesn't cost much, and you don't need expensive studio equipment or a radio frequency to get started," said Barbara Gruber who heads the PodcasTraining project at DW Akademie. "This makes podcasts a great tool for democracy and cultural expression, allowing for many different voices to be heard."

MethodKit for Podcasts will be launched at the PodcastDay24 Conference in London on October 4. The conference brings together podcast experts, broadcasters, publishers, and platform and technology companies. 

The kit will be available in English, Swahili, Amharic, Burmese, Oromo, Arabic, Chichewa, French, Mooré, Spanish, Ukrainian, Khmer and German. Digital versions will be available for free.

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