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September 27, 2023

'Killed' Russian Black Sea fleet commander at center of 'information war'

A prominent Russia analyst has said it is too soon to know whether Russian Admiral Viktor was killed in air strikes last week. 

Ukrainian authorities said they were reviewing an earlier claim that they had killed the head of Russia's Black Sea fleet in an attack. That was after Russia released footage that appeared to show Sokolov attending a meeting via video call. 
In an interview with DW News, military analyst Mark Galeotti said it was unclear whether the footage was fake but that the strikes demonstrated Ukraine's ability to carry out long-range attacks on Russia.

"We've seen this footage, although it's footage that some people have suggested is either a fake or even that he's actually dead in it. Since he doesn't say anything in this meeting, we honestly don't know." 

"There are just two things that that matter here. One is that clearly there is an information war going on between Kyiv and Moscow," he added.

"Whether they actually managed to kill Sokolov or not, the Ukrainians are demonstrating now that they can launch precision strikes right in the heart of the Russian military establishment in Crimea, despite what were meant to be impregnable defenses."

Crimea attack shows Ukraine's capabilities: Mark Galeotti